District Newsletter
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16th October 2022
Autumn Forum
The Autumn Forum on Sunday 16th October 2022 at St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood was a great success. It started at 10am with a break for a very nice lunch followed by a short Q&A session with the DG Team in the afternoon.
Topics covered included Treasurers/CIO, President, Global Membership Approach (GMA), and of course our dear old friend MEMBERSHIP.
It was agreed that links giving more details for items discussed would be circulated. Some of you may have already navigated the Lions Clubs International Website.
There is a lot to take in so please use for reference as and when needed and if you need any additional assistance, please let me know.
Linda Picton
The Service Journey | Lions Clubs International
Service Toolkit | Lions Clubs International
Reporting Service Activities – additional link with information and videos on how to set up MYLION account and how to report service
Service Reporting | Lions Clubs International
Synergy between our service areas
Videos on various topics
Lions Video Centre | Lions Clubs International
Lions Clubs International - YouTube
Global Membership Approach:
Global Membership Approach | Lions Clubs International
Independent Examination:
Independent examiner's report template (SORP 2005) - GOV.UK (
Club Officer handbooks
Club Treasurer | Lions Clubs International
Search | Lions Clubs International
18th March 2020
Lions Gift for Living Appeal
'Gift for Living' is a charitable initiative focusing on the needs of children and their families who have suffered as a result of international conflict in the former Yugoslavia. Read more....
13th October 2019
Farnborough College of Technology Minibus
In June Farnborough Lions Club received a request from Farnborough College asking for help to purchase a minibus for their students with special needs. Read more...
5th August 2019
The Tortoises and the Hares - latest news...
Reading Lion President Dave Ebsworth together with nephews Marc and Matthew (and their workmates) completed the Prostate Cancer 2019 Charity Cycle event in London last weekend raising over £6,500 for Prostate Research. Read more...
14th July 2019
District 105SC Startover
The first Cabinet meeting of District 105SC was a relaxed affair ably chaired by incoming DG Jarvis Macdonald. It was followed by a delicious "Startover" carvery lunch and presentations of chains and badges in the normal handover tradition. See the photos...
01 July 2019

District 105SC arrives
Lions Clubs International are pleased to announce the arrival of District 105SC with Westbury Lion Jarvis MacDonald at the helm as District Governor. District 105D DG Ken Staniforth will formally hand over the chain of office on Sunday, 14th July at Startover at White Horse Country Park, Coach Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 4LY.
01 July 2019

The Tortoises and the Hares - 9 guys and their bikes riding together to save men's lives
Reading Lion President Dave Ebsworth was diagnosed with aggressive Prostate Cancer aged 58. It was a huge shock to him and his family. Nephews Marc and Matthew (their workmates) had done a "Tuff Mudder" to raise funds for Prostate Cancer in 2018 and Dave said once he was clear of his treatment he would join them.
Read Dave's story and find out how to sponsor him...