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Dave Ebsworth Award

for Environmental Effort

This award was presented by DG Dave to the Club or Zone which has made the greatest impact on maintaining or improving the Environment within 105SC. It was presented for the first time in 2023 to Hook and Odiham Lions Club.

It could be awarded for one particular action such as a Beach Clean, Litter Pick or Tree Planting or for a number of smaller actions during the year. These could be recycling projects such as collections of spectacles, foil packaging from tablets, bras, tins and glass or anything else that can be reused. It could also be awarded to a club that works with another group to help the environment including working with your local council on planting up flower beds. Taking part in the Environmental Photographic Competition will also count. In fact anything to improve or maintain our Environment will be considered by the GST Committee and the DG team.

To enter please record your activities on the Lion Portal and complete the Competition Entry Form which will be sent out in November. This should be completed and returned to me by 15th March so that judging can take place before Convention.  

PDG Judith Goodchild

District 105SC Competitions Advisor

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