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Barrie Richardson Travelling Lion Award

One of IPDG Dave's ambitions was "for clubs to start visiting one another, not just within their Zone but cross into other Zones and work together in partnership so that we can achieve the goals we set for the individual projects". This is continuing in 2023 -2024 and so you need to record these visits because at Convention 2024 there will be a trophy awarded for the club with the most visits". It is also great fun and informative when you find out what is similar to your own club but also what is dissimilar and you can come away with new ideas for your own club. The competition runs from 1 March 2023 until the end of February (29th) 2024.

There is now a new Barrie Richardson Travelling Lion Award. 

In 2024 it was awarded to Chippenham Lions Club.

In 2023 it was awarded to Loddon Valley Lions Club.

Originally this award was introduced to "unite the Clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding" and these aims will result from the Dave's vision. Points will be awarded for visiting other clubs, attending Zone, District and Multiple District events.

Rules for District 105sc Visiting Lion Competition

Points are awarded as follows:

Visits to other Clubs meetings both within & outside 105SC 4 points
Attending a Zone Meeting 2 points
Supporting another Club's Fund Raising Event 3 points
Attending other club's Charters or Social Events 2 points
Attending District Convention 4 points
Attending Multiple District or International Conventions 4 points
1st timers attending any Convention 8 points
Attending a Club Meeting outside MD 105 4 points
Visits to any other District 105SC organised event 4 points

PLEASE NOTE: under the criterion Visits to other Clubs' Meetings, no more than two visits to the same Club may be claimed in any one competition year.

District Officers visiting clubs or events on official District business are NOT eligible to claim points. However, other lions accompanying them on the visit are eligible to claim.

The points system is weighted to encourage attendance where the District has a vested interest in Clubs being represented.

To make it fairer to all clubs, whatever their size, a "percentage of Club Membership" regulator is applied to give clubs an equal (well almost equal) chance.

To Record a Visit 

This year the process is being simplified. All you need to do is:

The Club Secretary, President or Visits Officer sends an email to stating: 

1.Name of Visiting Club 

2.Name of Club Visited 

3.Names of Lions taking part in the visit

I will undertake any verification that is necessary.

PDG Judith Goodchild

Competitions Advisor 105SC