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This web page covers Physical and learning Difficulties, Speech and Hearing

For Paultons Park information please see the separate web page.  Lion Richard Owen is the contact for this project

Physical and learning difficulties

There are several ways in which clubs can help those in their communities with physical and learning disabilities from providing transport, helping at lunch clubs to taking people to Paultons Park and all are very valuable service projects. 

Within our MD there are various initiatives. Clubs within 105sc do help support them e.g. the SOGB National games in 2013 at Bath. The partnerships are summarised here:

MD 105 Physical and Learning Difficulties

Council have asked for Clubs to be informed of the ways they can help support those with Physical and Learning Difficulties both financially and with hours of Service.

MD 105 has always been active in helping those members of our communities with Physical and Learning Difficulties. In 2014 the MD has entered into 3 partnerships to organise assistance to three organisations involved with individuals with Physical and Learning Difficulties.
They are with Special Olympics Great Britain, 105I is supporting Special Olympics Ireland, English Federation of Disability Sport which operates in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and Cerebral Palsy Sport which is organising an International Games in Nottingham.

Cerebral Palsy Sport

As Appendix 1 is attached a copy of the letter issued in August 2014 to all Lions asking them to volunteer as "Games Makers" at the event an example of Lions providing Service to those who need it. Those of you who attended the Multiple District Convention in Manchester will have heard an eloquent presentation on the important part sport plays in the lives of those who suffer with Cerebral Palsy.
English Federation of Disability Sport.

The aim and purpose of the Partnership Agreement signed at the 2014 Multiple District Convention in Manchester is to enable MD 105 and EFDS to formulate a working and effective partnership at all levels to increase both inclusion and participation of disabled people within sport. MD105 have been associated with EFDS, for over 25 years.

The EFDS events programme, provides participation opportunities for disabled people to take part in sport at whatever level they choose. The events programme run both National and Regional events aiming to ensure an inclusive and positive experience of sport for both children and adults. Whether its boccia, athletics or swimming, it is essential that disabled children and adults have the same opportunity.

EFDS remain committed to support Disability Sports Events (DSE). DSE deliver among other events, a National and Regional programme in swimming and athletics. These events welcome athletes from all the home nations and increase participation at grassroots level, whilst also providing the opportunity for talented athletes to develop into elite performers.

Clubs are asked to consider contributing financially to help EFDS both nationally and locally, individual members will be asked to volunteer to help at the National Junior Championships being organised at Warwick University in July 2015.

Payments should be made to your District Treasurer or District Charity Treasurer endorsed EFDS on the reverse of the cheque, which in turn will be forwarded to the MD Charities Treasurer. The detailed Appeal letter is attached as Appendix II.

New partnership

A new Partnership agreement between MD 105 and SOGB was signed at the 2014 Europa Forum in Birmingham. Lions Clubs International works with the International Special Olympics movement worldwide. MD 105 is one of many Multiple Districts working with their National Special Olympics organisations.

The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with learning disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
Special Olympics is founded on the belief that people with learning disabilities can, with proper instruction and encouragement, learn, enjoy and benefit from participation in individual and team sports. Special Olympics believes that consistent training is essential to the development of sports skills, and that competition among those of equal abilities is the most appropriate means of testing these skills, measuring progress and providing incentives for personal growth.

Special Olympics believes that through sports training and competition, people with learning disabilities benefit physically, mentally, socially and spiritually; families are strengthened; and the community at large, both through participation and observation, is united in understanding people with learning disabilities in an environment of equality, respect and acceptance.

Clubs are asked to contributing financially to help SOGB both nationally and locally, payments should be made to your District Treasurer or District Charity Treasurer endorsed Special Olympics GB on the reverse of the cheque, which in turn will be forwarded to the MD Charities Treasurer.

In 2017 SOGB will be organising their next National Games and again Lions will be asked to volunteer in large numbers as they did in Bath 2013

Lions Clubs International
MD 105Contact Officer Judith Goodchild Email



Deafness is a hidden disability. It is difficult to know if the person you are talking to has heard or understands what you have said.
Deafness is the 2nd largest disability in the British Isles, only surpassed by mobility.

Imagine 1 in 6 people of our community being unable to hear clearly what is being said to them or unable to communicate what they want to say.

Over the years the number of people with a hearing impairment has increased. In 2001 reported figures suggested 8.3 million people in the British Isles suffered from a hearing impairment and this figure has risen to 10.6 million people in 2013. It is thought this figure will rise to 13.3 million in 2016. These figures do not take into account the estimated 4 million people who do not officially register they have a problem with their hearing.

Lions hearing trust

The Lions Hearing Forum launched in July 2014 is a Multiple District initiative to inform Lions and members of the public throughout the British Isles and Ireland about deafness.
Its aim is to help people who are deaf or hearing impaired communicate effectively in a hearing world. Also to promote awareness of the problems of deafness to members of the hearing community.
A website has been created which gives information about resources for hearing impaired people.  

Lions hearing forum

Members of the Hearing Forum Committee are eager that more people throughout the British Isles and Ireland become more Deaf Aware. This can be done by giving out resources for hearing impaired people, giving presentations to the hearing community about Deaf Awareness and encouraging them to attend Deaf Aware Training Session. With your help this could be achieved.

We seek more Lions, Lionesses or Leos to train to become Deaf Aware Trainers. 

Collection of used hearing equipment

One source is of used hearing aids is your local private Audiologists Please contact them and ask if they would collect any old hearing aids and then send them on to Michael Nolan (Lumb Gaps Farm, Haslingden Old Road, Rossendale BB48TT) so that we can keep the 2 workshops that we are now training at HMP Ranby, and HMP Deerbolt busy sorting and cleaning them ready for sending them out to those in need.

Please don't send any batteries or the cases they come in, just the hearing aids for recycling.

Another source is hospitals. Many are recycling  through "the Switch on the Sound Appeal" and in our District these are Fleet, Bournemouth, Newport IOW, Winchester , East Dorset HC and Aldershot.

Some of the other hospitals not mentioned might be recycling through different agencies, and some will be getting some monetary reward for their old aids. However it is worth asking and appealing to their humanitarian / philanthropic sides.

The following letter has been received from Lion Penny Tregillus.  Please note that in 105D Petersfield Lions collect used hearing aids during their annual SpecTrek in April.  However if you wish to dispose of the equipment during the year please follow the instructions in the letter

Fellow Lions,

Collection of used hearing equipment project

It is over 26 years since Lions in this Multiple District became involved in the Collection of Used Hearing Equipment Project. Lions have been collecting and sending in unwanted or broken analogue and digital hearing aids and audiological equipment. 

Once received it is refurbished - cleaned and repaired. The refurbished hearing equipment is then sent abroad to support projects dedicated to assisting hearing impaired children and adults. People living in many countries have received help and include - Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Senegal, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Lesotho, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zanzibar, Madagascar, Ukraine, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, China, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. When a hearing impaired person receives refurbished hearing aids it opens up a whole new world to them and they can enjoy hearing the sounds of life we take for granted. 

Dr Michael Nolan of the Starkey Hearing Foundation receives donated equipment, sorts it in to make and model and packs it ready for onward shipping for refurbishment. He also finds hearing impaired people abroad who can use this refurbished equipment. 

If you would like to assist us in this worthy project by collecting and then donating to the Used Hearing Equipment effort please follow the instructions below: 

* To send small numbers of hearing aids, remove them from their boxes, check the battery is removed (to save you postage costs) and post only the bare hearing aids to :- Dr Michael Nolan, Lumb Gaps Barn, Haslingden Old Road, Rossendale BB4 8TT. 

*If you have a large amount of hearing equipment to donate, you can send it FREE. (Excluding Ireland) Pack it up; address it to Dr Michael Nolan at the above address. Ring Parcel Force on 0344 800 4466; follow the voice instructions for those with a contract. When an operative answers, quote Contract no. R233259 and say it is for Lions Clubs International. Ask for 48 hour service. They will take details and come and pick the package up. You may wish to put a note inside saying who you are and giving an address or your contact email so the package can be acknowledged and a "Thank You" note sent. 

*You can also include Used Hearing Equipment in the same box as Used Spectacles when you send them to Chichester Lions Club. This Used Hearing Equipment will find its way to Michael Nolan.

 If you want more information or have any queries please contact:

- Lion Penny Tregillus email or tel no 01525 379973

MD Speech and Hearing Officer email 

Dr Michael Nolan tel 01706 213501 or email 

Thank you for your support. April 2015.

What happens to your unwanted hearing aids?

The following is a copy of an email received by Michael Nolan from Sri Lanka. Thank you Michael. Our heartfelt thanks to your kind gesture. Just to emphasize how valuable your supply of hearing aides are let me relate an incident that happened recently. A woman was directed to my house, recently, by a Lions Club in our District. Her husband is a three wheel or as some countries call Tuck Tuck driver who has to maintain his family of 5 with this earnings. He is partially deaf and is good at lip reading. He had given up his vocation as a three wheel driver as he finds it difficult to follow the instructions given by the passenger sitting behind. There had been instances where passengers had scolded him for not following instructions. This had lead to him to give up his vocation thus depriving the family of any income to survive. They could not afford the high cost of the hearing aids in the market and they were not aware that the Colombo South Hospital was issuing free hearing aids. I arranged a hearing aid, through the hospital, and they came to thank me as he is now back at work and they seem to be quite happy. They said that they would never have afforded a hearing aid with their meagre income and their future would have been very bleak if not for our assistance. This is just one instance I came across. So please do help us as and when you can. My humble belief is that when we leave this world we leave everything behind except the good that we have done. 

With Warm Regards   

Chitral Our efforts do make a positive difference!  

Special Olympics Great Britain