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John Greenaway award

This award is given to the club or individual(s) who has made the greatest contribution to an International project. The winner(s) is chosen by the International Projects Officer (PDG Barrie Richardson) in consultation with the Zone Chairmen.

PDG John gave this award in 1997, the year he completed his term as District Governor, as a way of encouraging Clubs to support International projects. He had been a little disappointed hearing Club after Club say that they raised their money locally and therefore should spend it locally, when only comparatively small donations to the Third World could make such a big difference. This was the time that Gift for Living was getting underway, when River Blindness was being tackled by Lions with great success, with the help of Jimmy Carter Foundation and MERCK, an American pharmaceutical firm, also Lions Sight Programme was very active, wind up radios etc were all happening and he wanted to encourage clubs to do more for the Third World, where our work is so much appreciated.

It had not been awarded since 2019 until 2023.

The winners in 2023 were Ringwood and Fordingbridge Lions Club.

For previous winners please visit the District 105d website

PDG Judith Goodchild 105SC Competitions Advisor