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Leo Plumley Award

This award is presented to the Lions Club or Zone who have made a significant contribution to helping those with disabilities themselves in their community.

To enter please record your activities on the Lion Portal and complete the Competition Entry Form which will be sent out in November. This should be completed and returned to me by 15th March so that judging can take place before Convention.  

In 2024 the award was made to Fleet Lions Club for their outstanding work in reducing Fuel Poverty in their area.

In 2022 it was awarded to Zone E for their work in organising Fun Fest

In 2023 it was awarded to Henley on Thames Lions Club who organised a river trip for Dementia patients


Lion Leo Plumley was a highly regarded President of Sherborne Lions and was the District officer for sight and was also involved in Diabetes Awareness in the late eighties/early nineties. Leo was very dedicated and inspired Lions with his enthusiasm. He received a Lions Clubs International award for his work.

Leo was not a well man but he still continued his work without complaint until he sadly passed to higher services 20 years or so ago.

This award is a fitting memory to Leo's dedication to Lions and especially his dedication to sight projects.

PDG Judith Goodchild

Competitions Advisor 105SC
