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The Nixon Award

This award was given by Eric and Pat Nixon in recognition of all the work that Eric had performed over the years for Community Service.  

This can be for the greatest variety of community service carried out by a club from one Convention to another or for a special innovation in response to a particular situation e.g. the refugees arriving from Ukraine, food parcels or a specific piece of technical equipment needed for someone with special needs.

To enter please record your activities on the Lion Portal and complete the Competition Entry Form which will be sent out in November. This should be completed and returned to me by 15th March so that judging can take place before Convention. 

In 2024 the award was given to Hook and Odiham Lions Club for their work in taking part in a local recycling scheme, running the Village Show, helping the local food bank and helping their citizens who had fallen on hard times.

The award was made, but never presented to Romsey Lions in 2020. It was presented to Hook and Odiham Lions at Convention in 2022 for the variety of the work carried out including their Village Connect Trail.

In 2023 it was presented to Reading Lions Club who collects food and supports its local food banks, gives out food vouchers, helps its local citizens purchase household items and runs a Lions Den. 

PDG Judith Goodchild

District 105SC Competitions Officer
